The Umbrellas

We are looking at a group of elegantly dressed Parisians in a hurry to open their umbrellas. Their blue domes form a composition of chaotically tangled shapes, reflecting the impression of the rapidity of the weather change. Only the woman in the foreground, carrying a large hat basket, seems to be not interested in the…

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Burza rdzawych loków mieni się złotem w świetle wpadającym z prawej strony kompozycji. Nie widzimy jego źródła, ale możemy się domyślać wysokiego okna odsłoniętego w górnej części. Łuk brwiowy, kość policzka, czubek nosa czy wypukłość brody jaśnieją wyraźnie. Młody mężczyzna o delikatnej urodzie, który spogląda na nas ze spokojem to Ignacy Paderewski, wówczas wchodzący w…

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“When I know your soul, I will paint your eyes” are Amedeo Modigliani’s most frequently quoted words, made famous by a biographical film with Andy Garcia. However, it is hard to believe, however, that they describe a consistent principle guiding the artist’s work. This becomes obvious when we look at the portrait of his beloved…

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Dance with an egg

In the National Museum in Warsaw there is an inconspicuous painting by Cornelis Saftleven entitled Dance with an Egg. At first sight it looks like a boring genre scene. It’s hard to understand what is the game that the characters are playing and what actually drives them. May is the month of spring and the…

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I was a little hesitant before I decided to write this post. For some time now, the painting by Aleksander Gierymski’s The Peasant Coffin has been going through my head, but I was afraid of its title. Certainly there is too much of death in it as for a time marked by a virus and…

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