
Leon Wyczółkowski’s Ploughing in the Ukraine from the National Museum in Cracow is a symphony of pure, distinctive colours. The artist was under the charm of the vast space of the steppes, that were hypnotizing him. He spent about ten years in Ukraine, travelling between the estates of befriended Polish landowners and observing the work…

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Ten niewielkich rozmiarów nokturn (czyli scena mająca miejsce w nocy) został namalowany na deseczce wielkości zeszytu. Jan Stanisławski znany był ze swojego zamiłowania do takich „miniaturowych” formatów, ponieważ dawały mu one wolność bezpośredniego tworzenia w plenerze. „Pożar wsi” powstał zapewne podczas jednego z pobytów artysty na ojczystej Ukrainie. Niezależnie od swoich podróży do Warszawy, Petersburga,…

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Napoleon & charm of propaganda

This giant canvas is by all means majestic. On over 38 square meters a scene from Napoleon’s Egyptian campaign in 1799 is shown. The General visits his subordinates in a temporary hospital in the Armenian monastery of St. Nicholas in Jaffa, where they were placed after being infected by the plague. A few years later,…

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Power of life

The winter of 1917 was not one of the easiest, the effects of the Great War that had been going on for several years could be felt in all aspects of life. There was no reason to be happy. It was at that time that Amedeo Modigliani created a series of feminine nudes that were…

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Image of Black in Rembrandt’s Times

The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is planning to open an exhibition on slavery in autumn. Meanwhile, the Rembrandthuis Museum (Rembrandt House) opened a small exhibition in March, referring to this problem from a local perspective. „HERE: Black in Rembrandt’s Time” seeks for an answer to the question of who were the black figures that can so…

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