About me

Fot. Bartosz Bajerski / Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie

My name is Aleksandra Janiszewska. I am an art historian, a curator of the early-modern Netherlandish art in National Museum in Warsaw, Poland and a passionate story-teller about art.

I have founded this blog in 2019 as a way to share my hobby with more than a group of students at the Warsaw University or groups of visitors in the museum I work for. Since then it has become a wonderful journey through art and its stories. The blog – especially its Facebook page – enabled me to get into contact with all the people who really love art and wish to talk about it.

You can read some of my scholar publications on Academia.edu page. I publish also on the webpage of the foundation Niezła Sztuka which promotes knowledge about art and culture.

You can find more information about what I do on my LinkedIn profile.

Dear Reader, I invite you to contact. Maybe you have some favourite piece of art and you want to read about it? Or you have some other form of collaboration in mind? You can use the form below or write me directly at otulina.blog@gmail.com

Write me.

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